Welcome to Fucken… Boxes 4 Cats
Check out these stupid cats. I mean, its a box.
What a waste of time.
Look at this dumb little shit!
What a retard. The box is for clothing, not a fucken overgrown rat.
Kill yourself.
What dumb people with time on their hands think about Boxes 4 Cats:
The site doesn’t lie. Its cats. In boxes. What more do you want?
I’ve seen cats. I’ve seen boxes. What I haven’t seen are cats IN boxes. Now my bucket list is complete and a noose waits for me.
Idiot of the Week
Check out this coma patient. A real modern day “Andy Dick” if I ever saw one.
Don’t let this sicko next to you at the urinal.
Shhhhhhiiiiiiiiiii GURL, I LITERALLY CAN’T EVEN.